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For any inquiries, please contact:


Evelyn Coleman





Phone: (470) 269-5189


Photo of book cover of the book White Socks Only
American Girl Addy's Shadows on Society Hill book cover. Addy, the American Girl doll's first mystery

white socks only

shadows on society hill

Book cover of Freedom Train

freedom train

my books

I was born in Burlington, N.C. a long, long time ago. By the time I was six my brother Edward Coleman aka Eddie Joe was already giving me half his allowance to tell him stories. I have been telling stories ever since in person and in books.


I visit schools, libraries, Universities, bookclubs and any place I am invited to share with children how much I love reading and people. I believe love is the answer for our world and I hope to share the message of peace, love, justice, and empathy to everyone I meet. My books all deal with issues of fairness, justice, prejudice and love.


Be sure to check out  Actor James Earl Jones reading To Be a Drum and also Actress Amber Tamblyn reading White Socks Only at


My other books, include: The Cameo Necklace, Circle of Fire, Mystery of the Dark Tower, The Glass Bottle Tree, The Riches of Oseola McCarty, The Footwarmer and the Crow.


Award Winner

Evelyn Coleman


Books Change the World

A banner showing books and some cutouts of characters



A banner showing books and some cutouts of characters
A banner showing books and some cutouts of characters
A banner showing books and some cutouts of characters
Photo of book cover of the book White Socks Only
American Girl Addy's Shadows on Society Hill book cover. Addy, the American Girl doll's first mystery
Book cover of Freedom Train
A banner showing books and some cutouts of characters
For any inquiries, please contact: Evelyn Coleman Phone: (470) 269-5189